During Term 3, 2018 I was invited to create a felt wall mural celebrating ‘Our Shabbat Table’. The mural was installed in the main stairwell to create a welcoming space.
Families were invited to share in written or visual form what FKI and being Jewish means to them. From this inspiration, I designed the 6 images to be reproduced in felt – some as large as 3.5 x 2.5 metres in size.
The project engaged the whole school community:
The project was launched on Grandparents Day;
Kinder students made felt leaves for the Tree of Life;
All remaining panels were made by Year 1 & 2 students in groups;
Staff were integral and hands on in all aspects.
Fink Karp Ivany Campus
Mount Scopus Memorial College
Artist in Residence
Term 3 2018
Our Shabbat Table
Felt Wall Mural