Coronavirus Policy
Any positive Covid-19 test result please report it to This Artful Life.
A spray/ no-touch standing sanitising station will be outside and is to be used by all students before entering.
A paper towel dispenser has been installed instead of using hand towels.
Students are not to attend any class or workshop if:
They or anyone in your household is unwell with any cold or flu-like symptoms;
they or anyone in your household tests positive with Covid-19; or
they are awaiting a test result for Covid-19.
All students will be given verbal and visual instructions on correct hand-washing and all hygiene practices.
The studio will display Australian Government Health good hygiene posters.
All students will be required to use hand sanitiser before entering and will have access to hand sanitiser and hand washing facilities at all times.
Katrina Frazer
This Artful Life